At FGC, we aim to rise to the challenges we face as a society and a country. Within the framework of our commitment to the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals, we strive to be a benchmark for corporate activism and the promotion of ethical, responsible and sustainable management, actively involving our stakeholders.

FGC’s activism is bold and ambitious, it’s an environmental, feminist, ethical activism, and one that creates opportunities.

Within this framework, we developed FGC’s 2020-2030 Activism Strategy. Our approach, which is based on 4 axes of action, 10 challenges and the cross-cutting goal of making Activism a fundamental part of our corporate culture, #JoSócActivista (#IAmAnActivist), allows us to integrate challenges, goals and transformative projects that respond to the new needs of society and the environment.

#SerÈtics (#BeEthical)

FGC intends to become a point of reference in the field of ethical, transparent and committed management. Advances will be made in publishing open data, having a socially responsible contracting model integrated into the value chain and compliance management to ensure ethical commitments are met throughout the company.

#CreixerAmbLesPersones (#GrowWithPeople)

FGC will make progress in effective equality with the aim of becoming a joint venture in 2025. It will also promote participatory leadership and co-creation processes to encourage participation, involvement and talent input from everyone who forms part of the company.

#TriarElCamíSostenible (#ChooseTheSustainablePath)

FGC expects to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030. It will do this by using new technologies, promoting sustainable developments and the green and circular economy, and improving resilience by adapting infrastructures, dependencies and services to climate change.

#GenerarOportunitats (#GenerateOpportunities)

FGC will work to generate quality employment with particular emphasis placed on opportunities for young people and women in rural locations and environments and by fully implementing accessible facilities and services that meet universal accessibility requirements.


woman working